To know the future, return to the past!
A really dark time is looming ahead for Harry Potter!
This Voldemort epitomizes evilness!
(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

So happy to find our friends from Hogwarts on screen again! I would stand in line right away to buy tickets for Harry Potter and The Half Blood prince if it was possible!
Oooo, that comment about the snakes was very intense... I'm so excited!
I think they make each potter better then the last so it seems. I love the darker side to the films.
looks pretty cool, but there wasn't much shown which probably just means they still have a lot of editing to do but as it's only 4 months away they had to give us something. guess it's true that they're adding that scene at the burrow to boost the action because the only big action in the book is at the end. should be interesting, i just hope they didn't cut anything important to fit it in.
They're actually finished editing, and will have a test screening in a month. They didn't show much because this is technically a teaser, and they're starting out small - holding back on purpose.
OMG...cant wait until it comes out im sooooo happy. HP is the best series ever. the part were the kids says "i can make things move without touching them" explains, the part in number 5 were harry gets sent to were Mr Weasley gets attacked, thats so obvious now. CANT WAIT!!!!!!!
omg cant wait. look really gud, but doesnt show much about the movie.
omg they have to put more stuff in the trailer, but i still think its awesome. when exactly is it coming out, november wht?
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